•TAKÉ-SAN opened its first shop in 2008; in 2024, a new franchise opened in Paris, and there are no longer more overseas shops than in Japan.

•There are currently two restaurants in Nagano prefecture. Nagano, also known as Shinshu, is the largest miso production area in Japan.

•TAKÉ-SAN's signature dish is the Claypot Ramen, which uses their own brand Shinshu Miso. The second restaurant is located right next to a “KURA” (Japanese traditional storage house) where its Miso is made. You can buy TAKÉ-SAN original Miso in the restaurant. KOKUHEI, which runs KURA, is a historic company founded in 1784. KOKUHEI has joined the management of the company and is beginning to create a new history for MISO.


•TAKÉ-SAN also has the options for Vegetarians and Vegans so that everyone can enjoy their ramen. This ramen has no animal products, and no MSG.


CEO Tetsuaki Takeda

He is a cook, but he is also a scientist. He can quickly make ramen whose people all over the world are surprised.

Plant Based

Ramen that can be enjoyed by people with different beliefs.

The clay pot warms the customer's body.

We are experts who use clay pots.

245years history

KOKUHEI, founded in 1784, participates in management and connects history to the next generation.